












When the lights go out, the sea would rise at the foot of her bed, like magic.
The four winds would guide ships to faraway lands and the stars would gather around her,
whispering their secrets.
Illustration Friday – Poof!
Inspire Me Thursday – Shrink


27 thoughts on “Dream

  1. Bella Sinclair

    Wow, this is really beautiful! You’ve captured the essence of a dream so perfectly. She’s off on a wonderful adventure.

  2. Meredith

    The colours are beautiful, but my favourite part is how the stars seem radiant, they really light up the picture. And the soft blush of her cheeks, sublime.

  3. Chris Leavens

    Awesome, Johanna! I love the clouds and the cloud people blowing to create wind. I also like the fact that the girl is so perfectly integrated into the scene, resting atop the sea.

  4. Pingback: upon a dreamer’s sea « Magic in the Backyard

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