Tag Archives: illustration

Last Glance

These are unfinished paintings inspired by the book Life of Pi – about a boy who, after a shipwreck,
finds himself adrift in the Pacific ocean with an orangutan, a dying zebra, a hyena and a Bengal tiger.
One of the parts I remember vividly is near the end of the story, when only the boy and the tiger are
left and they finally reach an island. The tiger leaps out of the boat and pauses and the boy thinks it
would stop and look at him for the last time but it doesn’t. It bounds into the jungle and disappears
from his life forever.
Sometimes I wish the tiger and the boy had one last farewell glance, a sort of acknowledgment
of their many months in the boat together, lost at sea.
Illustration Friday – Island















She made up her mind about her future on that long walk home.

When she arrived she went through all of her things and threw them out,

erasing herself quietly behind closed doors…


I guess we’ll never know what she was thinking.

It’s just as well.


– Rodrigo Garcia


Illustration Friday – Detaching herself from her old life


Chocolate Nostalgia


The Chocolate Nostalgia site is finally up! It was changed from its original full flash version with animated stars, clouds, underwater creatures (and a flying Mark and Johanna perched on clouds hehe) to this simpler HTML version with only the waves bobbing up and down. We still have some things to fix but you may already check it out HERE.
Website by Happy Garaje.


We’re all falling. This hand here is falling.
And look at the other one. It’s in them all.

And yet there is someone, whose hands,
infinitely calm, holding up all this falling.

– Rainer Maria Rilke

Sour times.

For golliwog.
Things will get better.

llustration Friday – Sour
Inspire Me Thursday – Healing


Last Wish

Inspire Me Thursday – Crayons
When I saw this week’s Inspire Me Thursday prompt I couldn’t help smiling. I had a lot of happy memories with crayons when I was little. I dug up my old grade school crayons and brought them to the studio. There were many broken pieces and a lot of colors were missing but some old favorites were still there – salmon, periwinkle, goldenrod and bittersweet.Β  I felt like a kid again πŸ™‚

paint and crayons on paper

Radiohead Storyboard




































These are some of the scenes from the storyboard that illustrator/animator Mark Deutsch and I have been working on the last few days for the Aniboom Radiohead contest.
Radiohead is one of our all-time favorite bands (we’ve liked them since their Pablo Honey days when we were still in grade school πŸ™‚ hehe) so we really wanted be part of this. We chose the song Nude from their latest album In Rainbows. What we submitted isn’t the final artwork and animation yet, only the draft storyboard. It’s a mix of pencil sketches, acrylic drawings and washes and digital art and was animated using Adobe Flash and Premiere. In the final animation, the artwork will be better hehe and it will be fully animated and the descriptions, of course, will be removed.
The submission is a bit late 😦 but, as they say, better late than never πŸ™‚ and we had a lot of fun making it. You can view the video at the Aniboom website: http://www.aniboom.com/Player.aspx?v=199391
If you like it we’d be very happy to get your votes πŸ™‚
Illustration Friday – Save
Sometimes you have to save yourself by letting go of things that aren’t meant to be.
