Monthly Archives: March 2008

Quasi una fantasia


Illustration Friday – Homage:  A homage to Beethoven (and The Beatles).

In the background are sheet music pages of Beethoven’s Quasi una Fantasia (Almost a Fantasy), popularly known as the Moonlight Sonata. Mastering this piece on the piano is on my Things-to-do-before-I-die list 🙂 The words coming out of the gramophone are lyrics from one of my favorite Beatles songs, Across the Universe, which was recently beamed by NASA into Polaris, the North star.


Flower Girl


Immediately there sprang up a flower, shaped like a tulip, and as the petals slowly opened,
there in the midst of the flower sat a pretty little maiden.

– Hans Christian Andersen, Thumbelina

Illustration Friday – Garden
Inspire Me Thursday – Whimsy